Thursday, 5 July 2012

Facility study day and cinema

Facility study day Tuesday 26th June but at least this time at concord hospital. But still had to be up early as started at 8am. Not used to study days starting so early at Harrogate was normally 9.30. This time was only people from concord hospital and from all different departments. Think was roughly about 15 of us and only 3 of us nurses which included me.
At first felt was abit like yesterday as went through infection control and interpreters again. But I suppose this one was more aimed at the hospital I was working at. Then it was fire safety where we got to have a practice with fire extinguisher. Was very good didn't cover anyone only got the wall and bin with foam. It was then break and got tea/coffee provided which definitely needed as room was cold..
After break got to find out past and present times of Concord Hospital. Which was quite interesting the Hospital was built in 1941 and til 1947 was an Army Hospital. The logo is cross for red cross, lion for strength and Australian flag. Then it was the most important news how much annual leave we get which is only 6wks.
Unfortunately today didn't get lunch provided so had to buy which is no good. But their is a good bakery shop in hospital had a spinach and feta roll. Then I got to find out about they observation chart which is slightly different to ours and called 'Between the Flags'. Their have different sections for each area like Bp, pulse etc and only escalate if goes into the flags. Then it was manual handling which seemed to go on forever don't think left til 5. Also found out got drug calculations test tomorrow not impressed. When got back to accommodation went through calculations workbook so should know it tomorrow, hopefully.
Tonight off to cinema at Rhodes shopping centre to see 'Snow-white and the huntsman'. As on a Tuesday cinema is slightly cheaper $11 instead of $20. Before film me and Leigh went to Coles supermarket and bought a few nibbles. Their was about 8 of us who went 5 from our accommodation and 3 of Leigh's uni friends. The film itself wasnt the best was a dark fairytale all I can really is glad their was some eye candy in Chris Hemsworth. The cinema itself was hugh like a theatre as has 3 seating levels.

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