Sunday, 2 June 2013

6 days of work, 1st Japanese and meet old friends....

Saturday 4th May up 8ish tempted not to go to spinning class but glad I went in the end as always feel better after been. Then chilled before work sat on the balcony  and read my kindle as a shame not to enjoy the nice weather. At work was busy but not as bad as normal have a few palliative patients at the moment. We had one palliative patient who was very agitated which we didn't seem to be able to get under control had to give a few extra medications. Mandy then kindly gave me a lift home but was still wide awake when home so had hot chocolate and watched TV for abit. Sunday didn't want to get up this morning for work but had a nice walk to work through kokodo track memorial walkway. Work not as bad as expected only had a few watches but only had 10 patients got done on time but took a while for handover to start. At home sit and watch TV for abit good to catch up on neighbours as not seen that much of it this week. Went for a run was hard work only managed 2.06 miles and literally had to force myself to go but I suppose at least I went even if only managed a short one. Had tea when back then to Coles to get a few essential like milk etc. Dwayne had texted earlier wanting to catch up for a drink but was looking forward to having a lazy night in so he came round with wine. It was good to catch up drink wine and he had bought his hard drive so could watch film but ended up just watching TV. He stayed over and cooked me breakfast in bed omelette which was actually very nice but ended up getting up as difficult to eat in bed, anyone would think trying to get in my good books. Then back to sleep and got up 10.30, Dwayne left at about 11ish and I phoned DoDo again as still no Internet said should be in on Wednesday. Work not too bad for a Monday afternoon only open to 24 patients and 3 empty beds had 1 blood product and end of shift had a clinical review for temperature. On way home spoke to mum and dad who were at Chester Zoo as bank holiday at home and was a nice day for a change. Got home had shower then and Dwayne came round watched one of his films 'Abrahim Lincoln Vampire Hunter' which was completely ludicrous which made it funny.
On Tuesday supposed to meet Bianca for breakfast but she was tired to go after finishing nights this morning. So instead had breakfast at home then I went for a run did 4.13 miles had to stop after 2 miles and when back legs very heavy. When back sorted lunch for tomorrow as on early tomorrow and did washing etc. It was then to work which was luckily was not as busy as yesterday but still had lots to do. Then early on Wednesday didn't want to get up for work today but did was not too bad but had MET call 1st thing. Felt like on my own for abit as my other staff disappeared didn't go for lunch til 2 but at least I actually finished on time. Then went to Staff Health after finish to see if can do anything for my hands as still very sore gave me some hydrocortisone 0.5% cream and said to speak to infection control about hand washing. Explained off home shortly and will see my Dr at home she said if not improved will refer me to dermatology clinic. Then to flight centre to see how much to change flight as got off duty and could go earlier is $300 which probably not worth it, then go for a run only did 2.04 miles. It was then to catch train and go meet at Toby for Japanese as been on about going for ages and was good got to try a few new things like green tea which definitely like now, will definitely have again. Thursday on another early didn't want to get up this pressed snooze a few things. Then get to work and first thing have clinical review as high respiratory rate and low oxygen saturations not a good start to shift. Took bloods, line change and heparin locked line with educator feel confident taking bloods but need more practice with rest. Walked with work collegue Sharon to Rhodes station via park, when got in oukdnt be bothered doing much was going to go to gym but never happened. In the end got comfy on sofa had tea watching TV kept falling asleep, so when eventually got to bed couldn't get to sleep.

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