Thursday, 21 June 2012

Cockatoo island and play

Well was so sure was going to miss train this morning so ran for it and actually got their with a minute to spare. Decided since still had my multi ticket would take full benefit of it and go on a ferry again. This time off to cockatoo island not exactly sure what's there, but why not.
I found out that cockatoo island was full off lots of surprises and had lots of different uses. As in 1839 was a prison, then in 1847 a dock and then in 18771 was a industrial school for girls. It is full off lots of history and has the first urban waterfront campground. It was nice to look round and see all this, but I bet it would be nice to see an event their. As have cockatoo film festival once a year Today it was full off school film crews and schools kids on a excursion. I was bit disappointed through that I never saw any cockatoo's.
Next it was back to Sydney as off to Apple store again to sort out phone. Since battery doesn't appear to be keeping the charge very well and Bondi wouldn't swap it for a 3GS. This time their let me upgrade to a 3GS for $89 and was so nice as data just transferred automatically from iPad.
At night a few off us from accomodation went to Newtown to see a play 'Entertaining Mr Sloane'. Trust Lina to miss our train so she met us at theatre. Had a nice glass of wine to start with and the play was certainly entertaining. It was abit bizarre in places and there were also trying to talk in English accents. But it gave us a night out and some culture. Another thing which was strange was that their actually smoked on stage, which just seemed wrong.

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