Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Gardens, Madame butterfly

Day off today Thursday 6th September and looked a nice sunny day. But not sure if it was really beach weather yet, so decided to go into city to get Madame butterfly tickets first. Then was still nice so went and laid in Botanical gardens and read my kindle was very nice. Think I might of caught the sun little was there for nearly 2hours. Walking out of botanical gardens got a lovely view of opera house and bridge. Since was still nice when I came out I went to sit at Opera house cafe and wrote letter to Nanna and read again.
Afterwards was walking back to train station and realised was fashion show on at Westfield centre. So would be rude not to go look and seemed to be giving lots of freebies away. I had champagne, strawberries, red velvet cupcake, meringue, latte and appetiser. Also had offers on at some of the place I bought a skirt from Gap. Was just a shame that didn't have camera as my battery was nearly dead on phone. As was some nice talent men inbred jeans with no tops on. Next time will just have to make sure carry camera at all times as you never know when photo opportunity.

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