Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Tour and night out George street

Friday 7th September and got up this morning and we had a new girl arrive, Debbie from Ireland. I had breakfast then thought would be kind and go find Debbie at library to take her to Sydney. I think she appreciated my offer so off to Sydney we went. First stop Telstra, so Debbie could get Sim card for phone. Then we went to Medicare but unfortunately couldn't do as didn't have her Visa. Next and final job tax office which is a pain to find unless you know where it is. Also for some reason it doesn't like Concord postcode so have to put one for Concord West. Not sure why just how it works for some reason.
Then the fun bit went to the Rocks food market, which I haven't been too before, but was abit disappointed. As was expecting it to have as many stalls as normally market at weekend. But was less than half the size only got free taster of banana bread. It was then to show Debbie the bridge and Opera House. I told her if feeling down is a good place to come to remind you why your here. I also took her to botanical gardens to get picture of bridge and Opera House. But unfortuantly it wasn't as nicer a weather as day before but still got picture. It was then time for food just went to food court in Myer. I had a little shop as needed some more flip flood as mine nearly broken. I still can't get used to them calling them 'thongs' and not flip flips, just doesn't seem right. It was then times to head back as off out tonight.
Tonight off out to George street as looks to have a few nice bars. Especially the 'Ivy' with with swimming, not sure will be off there tonight. Just me, Bianca and Debbie off out as Sarah tired and couldn't be bothered. Decided to wear my new skirt which i got yesterday just a shame my new shoes aren't heres. First stop Morrisons bar which was nice but was fairly quiet. Next went to Jackson on Georgewhich we all weren't impressed with was very tacky. Also it had a whiff of sick not good impression and playing lots of 80's music.
So hopefully 3rd time lucky the Establishment bar which looked nice from outside. Also Nat had recommended it and was very nice played good music and some talent. Only thing was a lot of men in suits, probably come from work. Got chatted up by 'Charles' who seemed abit of a Pratt as after turned him down started chatting up girls next to me. But in end didn't seem to bad thing better on own Bianca kept going for smoke with him. At about 2ish Dwayne arrived but wouldn't let him as said was too drunk. Also by this point Bianca and Debbie had enough so went to Mcdonalds for food. My first Mcdonalds since I arrived and was good had chicken and cheese burger. Then it was time to catch the bus back, nice for us and Dwayne came aswell. Didn't get back til 4ish and felt a tad naughty taking Dwayne back. As we're not allowed visitors at night but security not around. It was nice to have some to cuddle up to overnight.

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