Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Work, uniform and Nicki Minaj

Now eighth week of work 21-25th August. Now sure I like working 5 short days would much prefer to do long ones. But my hospital doesn't seem to do them but were trialling at another hospital. Let's hope eventually I will be able to do them.
So on Tuesday 21st on a late short so went for a run before work only did 2.12 miles. Then decided to sit on balcony since a nice day and read my kindle. Whilst sitting their the accommodation manager caught me and told me off. As said we are not supposed to sit their as a safety hazard but no signs to say that. Then had to go to work at 3.30 which was nice starting at that time and had a nice shift. Also got nicki minaj tickets today for 30th november. Then on Wednesday on another late had a patient with a tracheostomy which I haven't really dealt with before, but luckily not my patient. Then on Thursday was on a early and was very busy shift didn't really feel like we were winning and for no lunch. But I did get to do IV meds via Hickman with CNE, which I watched. I also got my uniform today only taken nearly 3 and half weeks. But still didn't get all uniform only tops. At night we had our first thunder and lighting which didn't last long.
On Friday on a late so decided to go for a run at 11.30 only did 2.65miles. I actually wore my uniform and everyone thought I looked so different, so can't hide now. After hand over we had in service about tracheostomy since we currently have a patient with one who am now looking after. Then we had a few bed moves first, blood products and playing catch up, I think it finally settled about 7ish. Then on Saturday my last shift of week in a early was busy had one nurse off sick so got AIN instead. It felt like I did lots of showers this morning everyone seemed to want one. We had one very demanding patient who appeared to want help with everything even opening her butter. Luckily we got everything done in time and finished in time. Which was good as off tonight...

1 comment:

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