Thursday, 10 October 2013

Work and Michael Jackson Cirque de soleli

Woke up 7.30 and then Tiago left 8.30ish as had to go to work but I laid in bed for as couldn't be bothered getting up. Eventually got up 9.30 had breakfast and then thought best go for run but probably should of gone before breakfast. So went for run at 10.30 which wasn't my best run had to stop after 0.63 miles but ended up doing 1.06 miles. I think I definitely shouldn't have had breakfast 1st and think that's why I had to stop never mind is know for next time. Come back and read book on balcony for abit but then unfortunately I had to go to work but was too nice. Once at work seemed busy at first but luckily got extra staff we also had in-service on posaconazale a anti-fungal solution. Their had kindly bought food in which was nice and always makes more peopke to attend the in-service. Ward ended up been busy til 5ish but then settled down but I did do the S8/4 drug round. At least when we finished our patient who looked very unwell at start of shift looked better. Was going to walk home with Reena as lives near me but May gave us both a lift home. Once home thought best phone Mum and Dad to see how Dad's OGD went was ok but needed sedation during in procedure just needs antibiotics. I then had wine then feel asleep woke up 2 but luckily went back to sleep. In morning was going to go to spinning class but felt too tired so didn't end up happening. Got up 9.30 go to Coles to get a few things then laid round pool from 11-2 as nice day and not at work til 3.30. Even though start 3.30 was still team leader as working with 2 NGs and always feel abit lost when start 3.30 so had to find bearings. Was not to bad a shift had plenty of staff had blood products, febrile patient just the usual for our ward. Finished few minutes late Michelle gave me lift home, once home met Vanessa's husband seems nice then bed but not tired so read chapter of book. In morning woke up to alarm had cup of tea but didn't really want to get up. Walked through kokoda track to work as not sure if shopping centre walk way open this early. At work still on B side was 6 staff so even though May in charge ended up going on A side as 2 of us finishing early so 3 staff each side, I did S8 round. Was first time I did blood taking on my own and so much easier to do on my own then have someone watching us. Had nice shift but had clinical review as patient had high heart rate and still managed to finish at 1 definitely like this shift. Come home do washing, shower and wait for Tiago to cone round arrived 3ish then go for late lunch at Outback in Strathfield. Outback Steakhouse is an Australian restaurant with a casual atsmosphere suggestive of the Australian Outback. Where met Tiagos brother Diego and his wife Gabrielle who just arrived back holiday in Thailand. Their both seemed nice and Gabrielle is also a nurse and his brother used to work at hospital now training to be accountant. We all shared starter then I decided against the ribs and had the Alice springs chicken which was good but couldn't manage it all. Got home 5.30 Tiago came in discussed about taking me away Sunday night to Hunter Valley so had quick look at hotels but couldn't decide. Then he kindly gave me lift to Olympic park as off to see Michael Jackson cirque de soleli tonight with Hisako. Got there just after 7 and Hisako already there getting McDonald's otherwise Tiago would of stayed with me til she arrived. It was showing at the allophones arenas so alot bigger stage than last time. Once in went to find our seats which was upstairs but couldn't get to them had been given better seats. Wasn't really sure what to expect from this one as is not like your average cirque de soleli no amazing stunts. I felt like this one was more of a tribute to Michael Jackson even had bubbles the chimp bust a few moves. But there was still several classic cirque jaw dropping moves like the astounding high rise pole dancer. I did enjoy it as more music you knew but was more dancing than last one so think preferred other one. Left just after 10 got train to lidcombe change for Strathfield then wait 15 minutes for my train so read book. Got in just after 11 phone mum to tell her met Tiago family and might be taking me away next weekend. Asked if there liked Sharon's pictures said was a lot over 700 got wine and finished chapter whilst looking for places in Hunter Valley.

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