Saturday 12th January and didn't sleep well last night not sure why. I went for a runty is morning aim to run all the way round but didn't manage it had to keep stopping, I did manage to run 1.57miles. Then had to go to work on a late was a nice shift was 6 staff and still only had 24 patients and even had a little giggle at work. Bianca, Debbie and Gabs off out tonight for Gabs last weekend but I couldn't go out since on a early Sunday, just seems that I haven't been out for a while last night out was New Year.
On a early on Sunday and on B side which wasn't as bad as normal had a few washes but not as many as usual. Had the normal febrile patient of 39 degrees when left was raining and luckily another staff member gave me a lift home. After work was supposed to go meet the girls in city but they had been at Luna park and got very wet. So instead I still went into the city to go do some shopping went to Kookai and must of been their nearly an hour trying on outfits was dress I liked but not 100%. Eventually I decided on the skirt, belt and top seen the other day and got another top so got two different outfits (see picture), met girls back at home. When got home we ordered pizza and watched 'True blood' is an American series about vampires but I didn't know what was happening as not seen all the other series and this was series 5.
On Monday on an early short and was floating today helped with 4 washes, then did the S8 and S4 round. Is always nice when on a early short as morning goes quickly then home finished at 1then hone something to eat for lunch as probably won't want much for tea after dentist. At dentist at 3 and not looking forward to it but wasn't as bad as I expected when pulled tooth out it was black at the bottom which is not a good thing. To get tooth out had to be spilt in half and once tooth pulled out had to have it packed which felt abit strange at first. After dentist went to Rhodes as wanted to buy some soup for tea and bought some pillows to brighten the place up and even better as half price. When got home took some paracetamol to help with the inflammation and changed the pack which was covered in blood, nice!! I then had tea my soup which was fine but thought best stay away from hot drinks at the moment. Bianca off out to sky tower for Gabs last night but didn't really feel up for going.
When woke up had blood on my pillow from where my tooth leaked as took packing out before went to bed, not an attractive look. Tuesday 15th on another early was busy but at least still open to 24 patients but not sure for how much longer think will open to 30 soon. Whilst at work had to continuously rinse my mouth with salt water as supposed to do every 2hours which not sure I did. After I had breakfast felt something caught in the gap and tried rinsing but did not come out so to use a cotton bud which worked not sure best thing to use but did rinse under hot water first. So after work went to Coles to get my soft food and juice since staying away from hot drinks at minute, then laid by the pool for an hour or so. At least one good thing about tooth is that am not having pain from it but just feels strange at the minute.
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